Clinical bottom line
Ovariohysterectomy combined with antibiosis is more effective in achieving clinical cure than systemic antibiosis alone. Systemic antibiosis may be associated with recrudescence of the pyometra and the evidence base is weaker for this approach
Adamovich-Pippe, K.N. et al. (2013) Evaluation of laparscopic-assissted ovariohysterectomy for treatment of canine pyometra Veterinary Surgery, 42 (5), pp. 572-578
Bartoskova, A. et al. (2007) Hysterectomy leads to fast improvement of haematological and immunological parameters in bitches with pyometra Journal of Small Animal Practice, 48 (10). pp. 564-568.
De Cramer, K.G.M. (2010) Surgical uterine drainage and lavage as treatment for canine pyometra Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 81 (3), pp. 172-177.
Gupta, A. K. et al. (2015) Gross, histopathological, microbiological and management studies of pyometra in bitches Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 16 (1), pp. 153- 158.
Jitpean, S. et al. (2014) Outcome of pyometra in female dogs and predictors of peritonitis and prolonged postoperative hospitalization in surgically treated cases BMC Veterinary Research, 10 ( 6), pp. 1-20.
Sen, T. B., Nandi, S. K. and Halder, S. (2001) Efficacy of Intamox in open cervix pyometra in canines Intas Polivet. 2 (1), pp. 67-68.
Singh, K.P. et al (2010) Diagnostic and Therepeutic Management of Pyometra in Bitchesn Intas Polivet 11 (1), pp. 86-87.
Wallace, M. L et al (2015) Single incision, laparoscopic- assisted ovariohysterectomy for mucometra and pyometra in dogs Veterinary Surgery 2015. 44 (s1), pp. 66-70.
Wheaton, L. G. et al. (1989) Results and complications of surgical treatment of pyometra: a review of 80 cases Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. 25 (5), pp. 563-568.
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