Is There Any Evidence to Support the Use of Garlic as a Wormer for Dogs and Cats in the UK?

  • Louise Buckley Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh



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PICO question

In dogs and cats, is the oral administration of garlic, compared to no treatment, efficacious at preventing or reducing the intestinal worm burden (species found in the UK)?

Clinical bottom line

No studies were identified that investigated the efficacy of garlic at preventing intestinal worm burden. Garlic reduced egg and/or larvae counts in the worm species studied. However, where measured, egg and larvae count rapidly (2 days) returned to pretreatment levels once dietary garlic was discontinued. None of the studies included adulticidal action as an outcome measure. In the absence of research to demonstrate high levels of adulticidal action against a range of intestinal wormers at therapeutic, non-toxic levels in cats and dogs, clients should be advised that garlic has not been demonstrated to be an effective anthelmintic (either for multiple or single species use) for use in dogs and cats either to prevent or to treat an intestinal worm burden.

Open Access Peer Reviewed

Author Biography

Louise Buckley, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh

Registered Veterinary Nurse, currently working as a locum.


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