Is soybean therapy better than ClinOleic for reducing recovery time in cats with permethrin toxicosis?



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PICO question

Is soybean oil-based intravenous lipid emulsion (IVLE) therapy more effective than olive oil-based (ClinOleic IVLE therapy) for reducing time to recovery in cats with permethrin toxicosis?


Clinical bottom line

Category of research question


The number and type of study designs reviewed

Five case reports and one randomised clinical trial

Strength of evidence


Outcomes reported

Soybean oil-based and ClinOleic IVLE therapies can be used safely as adjuvant treatments to reduce time to recovery in cats with permethrin intoxication. However, the evidence collected suggests that soybean oil-based IVLE therapy is better in reducing the recovery time after permethrin toxicosis as compared to ClinOleic IVLE therapy


The overall findings showed that the average recovery time after soybean oil-based IVLE therapy across patients with permethrin intoxication was 8.5 hours and the average time to recovery after olive oil-based emulsions (ClinOleic therapy) was 39 hours. This may suggest that soybean oil-based formulations are a better option for reducing the recovery time in cats after permethrin toxicity. Dermal decontamination, supportive care, muscle relaxers, and anticonvulsant drugs are examples of recommended treatments before the administration of any intralipid therapies and must be used based on the clinical signs of each patient


How to apply this evidence in practice

The application of evidence into practice should take into account multiple factors, not limited to: individual clinical expertise, patient’s circumstances and owners’ values, country, location or clinic where you work, the individual case in front of you, the availability of therapies and resources.

Knowledge Summaries are a resource to help reinforce or inform decision making. They do not override the responsibility or judgement of the practitioner to do what is best for the animal in their care.


Open Access Peer Reviewed


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Vol. 6 No. 4 (2021): The fourth issue of 2021

Section: Knowledge Summaries

Categories :  Small Animal  /  Dogs  /  Cats  /  Rabbits  /  Production Animal  /  Cattle  /  Sheep  /  Pig  /  Equine  / 

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