What happens next



All accepted submissions are copyedited by our in-house editors. This stage is vital as it ensures that language is clear and precise and that the structure of the paper is logical and free of any ambiguities or anomalies. Along with other queries, authors may be required to provide further detail within their paper or rewrite sections of text for clarity. The paper is then proofread to ensure there are no grammatical or production errors.

This proof will then be sent to you to review the copyeditor’s queries. This is also your opportunity to make any edits you feel are necessary to your paper. The paper will not be published until this quality control step is completed. 

For multi-author papers we recommend that all authors check and correct the proof, but request that a single set of corrections is coordinated by the corresponding author.

Before publication

Your paper will then be typeset and finalised for publication. If you would like to see the final version before publication please request this at the copyediting stage.

For guidance throughout any stage of the publication process please contact the Editorial Office.


Veterinary Evidence publishes content using a continuous publication model. A new online issue will become available every quarter (March, June, September, December) and articles will publish directly into the current issue. Instead of page numbers each paper has an article ID that is related to its digital object identifier (DOI) number – making everything citable upon publication. At the end of each quarter, the respective issue will close. 

Continuous publication allows Veterinary Evidence to have a fast and efficient turn-around time; authors won’t have to wait for the next available issue in order to get their work published. It enables content to be available to the veterinary community quickly; allowing readers to download, share and put their findings into practice.

Audio Summaries

Upon acceptance of your paper we will contact you with the request for your Audio Summary.

An Audio Summary is a 3 minute overview of your Knowledge Summary or Article. The purpose of it is to help listeners easily digest the main points of the paper in order to implement the findings into practice.

See below for some example points to help structure your Knowledge Summary audio clip:

  1. Background - what question is the Knowledge Summary answering and why was this question chosen?
  2. Please give an overview of what evidence there is and what the evidence says – what is the clinical bottom line?
  3. And if appropriate - how someone in practice could implement the recommendations of the Knowledge Summary.

Please feel free to adapt it as you see fit, but ensure the clip is no longer than 3 minutes.


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