What happens next?


When you submit your review the assigned Associate Editor reads through all of the reviews and reviewer recommendations and makes their own informed recommendation to the Deputy Editor-in-Chief based on these comments. If the Associate Editor and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief decide that the paper requires a revision then the author is sent the reviewer comments to address in revising their paper.

When the author uploads their revised version the original reviewers are invited to check if the author has adequately amended their paper per their original comments.

If the Associate Editor recommends ‘accept’ or ‘reject’, then the paper and reviewer comments are sent to the Deputy Editor-in-Chief who, if in agreement, then sends on to the Editor-in-Chief for their final decision on the paper. If a further revision is needed then the process repeats.

After a paper is accepted

You will be notified should the paper be accepted. All accepted submissions are then copyedited by our in-house editors. This stage is vital to ensure that language is clear and consistent, and that the structure of the paper is logical and free of any ambiguities or anomalies. In addition to resolving such queries, authors may be asked to provide further detail within their paper, or rewrite sections of text for clarity.

Once all queries have been addressed, the paper is typeset. A PDF proof is sent to the author; this is an opportunity to make any minor edits that are absolutely necessary to their paper (a revised proof will not be supplied). The paper will not be published until authors have returned proof/confirmed acceptance.

For multi-author papers we recommend that all authors check the proof, but request that a single reply is coordinated by the corresponding author.

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